The One And Only Way To Control Your Fears

Glossophobia is the fear of public speaking and what I suffered from for years.  Most people will not think this is a big deal since public speaking is ranked on average as one of the top 5 fears of people overall, up there with death. 

Identify and Accept The Fear

I grew up with a speech impediment, and I think this might of stuck in my subconscious through college. I was never comfortable giving a speech in front of the class, and one time I remember stuttering so bad that I had nightmares for weeks. Enough talking about the fear of public speaking, I’m going to tell you how I overcame it and how you can overcome yours.

I knew I had to overcome this, so I could be able to teach Masterminds and deliver speeches in the future. The question was, how would I do this? I looked up coaching, it was costly, and then the answer came to me one day.

 Discover A Breakthrough Moment

I was sitting with my significant other, and she mentioned signing up for a six week Stand up Comedy class for $300.00. The thought of it made my gut drop, and I felt terrible. Me? Doing Stand up Comedy? Never in 1000 years!

That’s when I decided just to click confirm, and I bought the class tickets with her. Six weeks later, I performed my first stand up comedy show as my class finale, followed by another invite-only open mic and then a professional stand up comedy show. If you are in the Worcester, Ma area, check out the comedy club called The WooHaha.

Controlling The Fear

Yes, It all happened. Yes, It was overwhelming. Yes, It was a blast. I took it day-by-day and pushed through. I now had performed jokes in front of an audience of around 30 people saying embarrassing and inappropriate things as well.  Now in the back of my mind, I know I accomplished this and was able to build more confidence because of it.  Just take action people, don’t worry about how others view you. Do it for you, and think about what you are providing to them.  You don’t conquer or fight the fear, you develop a relationship with it first.  Remember, you’re doing the world a disservice if you don’t offer your best self.

Take Action

I want you to take a long and hard observation of yourself. What do you avoid, or what do you get a sick feeling in the pit of your stomach about? This is one of your fears, and you need to overcome it to begin to live life as the best version of yourself. I want you to write down an action step to work towards this fear. The goal is to change the way you think about doing this action to something positive.  You can also just jump right in like I did, that is when growth happens.

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