Read This, Before I Reveal The Momentum Mastermind Friday

The Momentum Mastermind is a full-day live virtual event for growth-minded professionals who want to gain more clarity and momentum in life. So many people see my posts on social media and wonder what a Mastermind is. A Mastermind is an alliance of two or more people working in harmony with a positive mental attitude to a definite end. Does that clarify? Haha probably not. Masterminds include like-minded people who share similar interests, goals, and mindsets. The organizer will provide insight into proven strategies and tools for the group. They will discuss problems that members are facing, brainstorm solutions, and support each other while collaborating. Napoleon Hill, in his
classic book, Think and Grow Rich, introduced the term “mastermind.” Mastermind groups have been used throughout history.  I’m going to delve into what’s in it for you, who this mastermind event is for, and isn’t for and more. First, this is a full-day live virtual event on the zoom application; I will release the date THIS Friday, Junes 12th.

What’s in it for me?

I will teach you the secrets I created and personally still use today. As well as some of the tools I’ve learned from NY Times Best Selling Author Dean Graziosi, who has over a billion dollars in Real Estate Sales and the #1 Business and life coach in the nation, Tony Robbins.  Also, the strategies and tools I learned from The Human Potential Expert Bob Proctor. My mentors are all extremely successful multi-millionaires that really care about each and every person they come and contact with. You will save years and years of struggles by attending the event. I will be providing the specifics this Friday about the Momentum Mastermind! 

Fair Warning, This IS NOT for everyone though; it’s only for a certain type of person.

Not For You If…

  •  You already are 100 percent sure of your why and goals (Truthfully).
  •  You are on the path to your purpose and don’t want help.
  •  You don’t want to commit the time and energy to achieve more meaningful goals.
  •  You can’t give support nor want to receive support from others in the group.
  •  You already know everything and want to remain stagnant.
  • You have a fixed mindset; you are not ready to get out of your comfort zone.
  • You are close-minded and don’t want to think outside the box.
  • You are not willing to put in the work by yourself.
  • You already have a group of people who give you all the support you need.
  • You are not willing to change, grow, or explore new situations.
  • You don’t understand your most significant investment is in yourself. 
  • You have a negative attitude and are trying to hold other back.

This is for you if…

  • You want to take your life to the next level ( no matter where you are).
  • You want to grow both professionally and personally.
  • You want to brainstorm creative solutions with peers.
  • You want to be honest and schedule realistic goals.
  • You want to increase your overall quality of life in any aspect.
  • You want to find out your why and not have regret in the future.
  • You want to be supported and are willing to be supportive of the other members too.
  • You have a growth mindset and want to get out of the comfort zone.
  • You are complacent with your work or life situations.
  • You understand Return On Investment, and how much value will be provided. 
  • You want to break out of your box and reach new levels of success.
  • You want to access new growth and change while gaining confidence and faith.

So this will give you an idea if you are a good fit for this mastermind event. Not everyone is ready, and some people may keep avoiding it to realize 10 years later the huge benefits. Which category to you fall into? More information is coming this Friday, June 12th. I also have a big announcement next week too! You will be able to take a peek behind the curtain finally. This is your life, you have the
power to create and live whatever you would like.

What do you really want?

Also be sure to like and share this blog post, follow me on social media channels, and subscribe on the form below to get my E-Book completely free today to learn how to better your life now.

Lastly, be prepared for the launch date of the Momentum Mastermind Event THIS Friday, June 12th.