Three Reasons Why I Don’t Drink Anymore

Who doesn’t love to relax and celebrate with a drink sometimes? I think the majority of people would enjoy a cocktail once in a while. It becomes an issue when drinking is unconsciously used to avoid reality, problems, and dreams. It becomes an issue when alcohol is setting your back and causing you to lose momentum on your physical and overall goals.  I drank all most every weekend for years through high school and college. Looking back, I was a party boy, and I’m not scared to admit that. I thought it was all fun in games until I found out the truth. I’m not here to lie to you and tell you what makes you feel better because it’s comfortable. I’m here to tell you the truth about specific beliefs and habits that have been mistakenly taking as “normal” through society and can attest first hand because I’ve been there.  These are the three reasons I don’t drink anymore, and I can’t wait to share them. With that being said, I’ve has exactly one drink in the last four months, and I’ve gone out drinking around four times in the previous year.  I do believe it’s okay as a form of celebration or for social events in moderation.

1. Product of Acid and Decay

Let’s start on how bad alcohol is for your body. It’s the product of acid and decay; it’s one of the worst drugs for your body for being socially acceptable. If you don’t believe me, then you have never had a hangover.  Disease can only exist when the body is in an acidic state, so why put your body In this state? The answer is because alcohol gives us more pleasure than pain at the moment (At the moment sure, but not the next morning) . My diet is strictly consisting of alkalized foods, no processed foods, no carbs such as bread, no artificial sugar, and now surprisingly meager amounts of meat. What changed, you ask? Let me put it this way, the amount of energy I’ve experienced in the change of diet outweighs the taste of the food tenfold. I’ve noticed my body can’t even process most of those foods anymore; that’s how I know they are horrible for us. If you want my honestly, last time, I ate some chicken. I got food poising and was hanging over the toilet, or maybe it was undercooked lol. With habit, discipline, and repetition, you will learn not to care about alcohol as much anymore. We base our decisions on pain or pleasure, and the joy of not drinking when you have a vision will outweigh drinking. I believe in indulging as a celebration or when you haven’t seen a friend in a while to catch up. Just don’t make it a weekend or a daily habit!

2. Goals, Vision and Purpose

I changed my awareness and perception through the strategies and tools I teach in my coaching and mastermind events.  I spent a whole weekend digging deep within myself to look at the overall picture. If I was 85 years old in a chair and I was looking back on my life right now, Would I be happy with who I was? The answer was easy; I could strive and be more. All of us can be more and are capable of this. I knew this deep down, and I know you can as well. The only thing I lacked was clarity and momentum. I studied, read, took classes, and enrolled in mastermind events for over three years after college, and it all changed. I created a compelling future that made me jump out of bed every morning, and you can do the same. This future vision did not involve me drinking on the weekend anymore, So I decided it was time to put myself in situations that go against my goals. You need some guidance on the next steps, just like I did.

3. Time is more valuable

Please make it, so you don’t have enough time to party anymore. I remember I would be out all night and only to watch TV all day, not feeling good at all. Is it worth it? Why do I abuse my body in this way? I never knew why until I found out I lacked a purpose, why, and vision for my life. I was letting the weeks pass while living someone else dreams and goals. It was time to make myself so passionate, busy that I got lost in the process and forgot about drinking. Time is more valuable then the time wasted delaying ourselves. In the BIG picture, it is not worth it, and we know deep down it’s wrong.

Alcohol is horrible for your well being, but who doesn’t like a buzz, you need a powerful vision, goals, and purpose, then you need to value your time more than that. I’m sure you may know me from college or high school, and we bonded over drinking before and maybe haven’t spoken since. I’m talking to you; you know who you are. I’m telling you the straight truth, and I am a living example of it. This has made me the person I am today, and I am happy I was able to come to this conclusion. I am not saying this to brag; I am saying I know your pain. I know what it’s like to be in that cycle and not even realize it and be marked by getting in trouble because of it. Sometimes it all starts with one decision marked by discipline, and don’t forget you are going to need support and help. With that being said, if you have earned a couple of drinks or it’s going to drive a networking event or share time with someone important, then I am all for it. Also, a great alternative is Kombucha! Anything else is just a distraction from who you are deep down.

Feel free to contact me if you want to connect and ask for more information about this topic.

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Lastly, be prepared for the launch date of the Momentum Mastermind Event soon, this will reach out how to take your life to the next level and enjoy every moment of it.

2 thoughts on “Three Reasons Why I Don’t Drink Anymore”

  1. Not sure if you already covered this, but could you talk more about your current diet? Would be curious to hear more, as well as challenges you found in switching (for example, reducing meat intake).


    1. Great suggestion, I’ve gotten a few requests for information about my current diet. I’m going to be making some content and a blog post about that and the challenges I faced. Awesome Idea!

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