What Every Man Needs In Life

I touched base earlier this week in a video about the influence of our environment on our behavior, brain, and life as a whole. As mentioned, this is through the process of Osmosis and Mirror Neurons. You start to take on the mindsets, ideas of the people you surround yourself with.

Any woman can spend a man’s money, have a man’s credit card, or utilize his other means of success. There are plenty of women out there that go about life searching for the next adventure in this way. Something is different when you meet a strong woman. You form a relationship based on your inner connection and soul first. There is something deeper past all the physical material, and you both share that knowledge. You have the same interests, and you share the same interest in discussions, sometimes you can even finish each other’s sentences. Do not get mixed up between what your ego wants and what your soul has set you up with.

A strong woman will not doubt any of your visions and goals no matter how far fetched they seem if you believe it and your taking the daily action to get there. She will be able to tell you that you are doing all the rights things, and help bolster your confidence on a bad day. One example is UFC fighter Conor McGregor’s wife. She stuck by Conor through poverty, while he was a no-name. He was unemployed and broke, he was spending all day in the gym training and could already smell his future. She stuck by him and supported Connor on the truth of what is possible instead of the appearance of ignorance.  A strong woman will be able to see through the appearance of something to the truth and not mislead the man. If the man is out of hand, she will stick up to him and be transparent. She will NEVER tell the man that he can’t accomplish his goal, even when so many people think it’s not possible. The woman sees the hours, sweat, and passion that he puts into his work. To create a future not just for him, but also for them.

The strong woman talks about her future with her man. They talk openly, and they do not settle for common goals or accomplishments. They understand they are here together to be, do, create, and share with each other. You can have those heart to heart conversations that are so uncomfortable because she knows that communication and love is the key. They work daily to share ideas, conversations, and create new things. She understands that working together is the key to the future they have always vision; most people don’t bother to ever ask God/ Universe for what they want.  The strong woman has a bonnie and Clyde type mentality, and they never stop growing together. Once a relationship stops growing and sharing together, then the relationship starts to dwindle.  The strong woman sees something in you that you never saw in yourself, and you begin to believe her. Once this shift happens, your whole reality changes.

I am in a relationship with the strong woman so that I can attest to all these viewpoints. Today is my 2-Year Anniversary with Lauren, so this is also relatable.  Funny that our two-year falls during a global lockdown due to a virus. I guess that’s the true test if you can tolerate someone, put him or her in an apartment built in the 1800s with no doors, and see if they hate each other after 90 days, haha. A relationship is going to hit bumps, but they work together to solve it because they care. Every single one of the men out there deserves a woman like this in their life.  A man with dreams needs a woman with a vision, and it’s been said behind every successful man is a strong woman to hold it together. I am so grateful for everything we have shared.

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Lastly, be prepared for the launch date of the Momentum Mastermind Event soon, this will reach out how to take your life to the next level and enjoy every moment of it.