Before You Make Another Decision, Read This First

As all the great thinkers have agreed on, “ What we think about most we become.” What we focus on the majority of our time creates our life experience. We can make our life a pleasant experience or an experience of suffering.  Our focus leads to when meaning we tie to that thought, which then leads to a belief to take action. This is the formula that people drastically overlook, yet it’s so simple. I want to share with you the three decisions that control your life that I learned from the number one business and life strategist in the nation Tony Robbins. The three decisions we make are what do we focus on? What does this mean? And what would you have to believe to keep going?

What Do We Focus on?

Some thoughts lead to the activation of our limbic system, which is embedded in our DNA for thousands of years. The limbic system has a part of the brain called the Amygdala, that controls your fight, flight, or hide the response. The issue is that we are no longer running through predators like when we were cavemen, and we still have this reaction in everyday life. We need to train our brains. This training or lack of can lead to us either seeing the situation better or worst then it is. What we decide is our reality even though it’s not actuality; we will believe it at a biological level. Humans can’t experience positive and negative emotions at the same time. It’s simply not possible. So, I would always choose the positive emotion ten out of ten times. Ask yourself these three questions.

 First, “ Do you focus more on what you have or what’s missing?” We want to focus on gratitude over what’s lacking in our life. Like I mentioned before, we can’t focus on being grateful and angry at the same time.

Second,  “ Do you focus more on what you can control or can’t control?”. We want to focus on what we can control, rather than what we can’t control. I feel powerless when I focus on something out of my control.

Lastly, “Do you focus mostly on the past, present or future”?. We want to focus only on the past for positive memories, but not live there. Also, we want to focus mostly on the present, because that’s where our power is and control.  We should also focus on the future, as long as it’s a positive, compelling vision. Keep in mind we can’t predict the future (Unless your Nostradamus), so sometimes your brain will focus back on negative experience to fill this void.

What Does This Mean?

The meaning we tie to something creates our perspective of it. We need to be aware of this step, so we know how we are thinking about the situation or decision. Does this mean it’s a challenge, punishment, gift, or learning experience? Meaning equals emotion, which equals the quality of your life. Once we are aware of the meaning we tie to something, then we are one step ahead. Our dominant emotions control that action we decide to take. Every human makes a decision based out of the perceived amount of pain or pleasure it would bring to him or her. To persist in a decision or action, you need to feel it’s right, and that’s it’s possible.

What would you have to Believe to keep going?

–        Believe in your soul that the treasure is here ( in this action).

You have to one hundred percent think it’s already waiting for you to claim.

–        I will find it and do whatever it takes( Faith)

You have to have blind faith sometimes, even when it doesn’t make logical sense. You must follow your gut because the cookie crumbs always connect afterward.

–        It will be worth it.

You have to know the journey, process, and outcome will all be worth it afterward. How would your life change and the peoples around you?

I wanted to bring awareness to these three decisions that control our lives that we make in every moment. Most people make decisions unconsciously every single day. We are living in autopilot until we ask ourselves these three questions and implement this process into our everyday life.  Try this out for yourself, write down the issues, and soon, your life will begin to shift as you take more control back. This is a combination of information I learned directly from Tony Robbins and as well as my own take on the subject. I hope you enjoyed and can apply this knowledge!

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Lastly be prepared for the launch date of the Momentum Mastermind Event soon, this will reach out how to take your life to the next level and enjoy every moment of it.